You are so special and make life a joy to live;
I hear sounds of music whenever you’re near.
Let me serenade you and pour out my love,
For life is a song worth singing with you here.

'A Rhyming Explosion of Love and Emotion'
A personal anthology of poetry by Clive Saffron
In addition to my poetry writing services, I am offering you the opportunity to purchase a copy of my book, “A Rhyming Explosion of Love and Emotion”, a personal anthology of poetry that expresses the feelings and emotions experienced from falling in love. This collection not only explores the positive experiences from love but also the heartache and pain associated with relationships through difficult times.
For me, love is a force that inspires, gives hope, belief and the strength to never give up. A “Rhyming Explosion of Love and Emotion” has been inspired by love and created to continue to inspire, where beginnings may lead to endings and endings lead to new beginnings. I hope the force of love may be the source of inspiration to all.
My hope is that the readers of my poetry will be inspired by my words and be able to connect with their deeper meaning, as well as have them resonate with their own experiences of love.

Poetry Book Reviews
“If we had to choose only one word to describe this book it would be; impressive. The verses that build each poetic composition are written in such a manner that produce a fluent and metrical rhythm that creates a smooth-flowing cadence to complement the underlying meaning of the book (love, romance, commitment). A few of our personal favorites are, “A Place In My Heart”, “The Grass Is Never Greener”, “Belief”, and “Pastures New”. In essence, the entire book was a masterpiece, but one of our most favorite arrangements is Part Two: Heartache Strikes and Hope Prevails, a segment in the book that elaborates on the gray areas of romance and love in relationships, where worlds collide and emotions change like temperamental colors of the rainbow. But even considering the sadness and heartache naturally embedded in the foundation of love, the narrator’s comforting and reassuring words provide a calming sense of peace, therefore making it quite easy to comprehend how and why hope can prevail, in the end.
Saffron’s brilliant work is reflected in the outstanding beauty of this immaculate masterpiece! He is an exceptional writer with the ability to intertwine the worlds of imagination and reality, and we enjoyed every bit of this fantasy of love journey! We proudly rate this book 5 stars!”
“A beautiful yet heart breaking love story that was beautifully told!”
“I read this one twice because I liked it so much! Recommend everyone reading it!”
“A beautiful and surprising positive discovery the book of poetry: A Rhyming Explosion of Love and Emotion by Clive Saffron published by Troubador Publishing Ltd. I chose the book on NetGalley. With my great surprise and please this poet, Clive Saffron is a truly romantic man and romanticism his personal flag in a world so disenchanted and pretty stressed and a real real joy to read these wonderful love poems. They left me ecstatic in the real sense of the words. Decades that I didn’t read such beautiful and positive words about love. An age I didn’t read love portrayed, or pictured, painted, so exactly as the poet did through his words. Saffron is able to portray what it means real love: when we love we want the best for the other person, we want to love him, we want to stay with him, we want to avoid him sufferance and we want to share every second with him. A person changes when in a new relationship and in most cases for better because loving means to be able to give our best to the other one and vice versa. Life is more beauty, colors more vivid, air fresher. We are inspired by the other person, we add light and color at another existence and the same happens to us. Love is never opportunistic, but always grateful and a great gift. There are people who won’t never try the real meaning of love but who will experience it, will discover a precious gift. Love can be the best resource for bettering ourselves and our companion, as also said by the poet. Also in the second part, when Saffron analyzes love’s pain you won’t find stressing or sad or desperate and frustrated poems. No: all the opposite. These words are real balsam for the soul and big treasures, because they will reassure, they will speak of hope, they will speak, also when a love ends, of the beautiful gift experiences thanks to the time spent with the other person. There is a positive approach to the relationship with the other one and of course, there is Love. Love speaks through all these poems. Real love is everywhere. In every word, in every poem, in every felt sensation. Love as a personal growth, love as the best resource for our daily life. In the book also various “pills of love”, little aphorism written by Clive Saffron. I do truly recommend to you this book of poetry for the beautiful words and sentiment expressed by the post and because once for all, ladies and gentlemen: Love is Back! in poetry as well.”